Organization Information
Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. (no meeting in December). Unless otherwise notified meetings
are held at the Fair Park, Rotary Commitee Building, Canfield, Ohio. Directions: Rte. 46 to Kirk St. (sign shows Fair Park),
turn on Kirk St., Left on Oak St. and right on Fair St. Parking is in the back. Guests are welcome to two of our meetings,
then are encouraged to become members of the Knitting Guild of America (TKGA) and the Western Reserve Knitting Guild (WRKG).
TKGA dues are $27 which includes a subscription to "Cast On" magazine. Mail TKGA dues to : The Knitting Guild
of America P.O. 3388 Zanesville, Ohio 43702-3388 Phone: 800-274-6034 740-452-4541 Fax: 740-452-2552
WRKG dues are $15 which includes newletters and yearbook and are due by the August meeting
so your name can be included in the yearbook. ($7.50 if you apply after Feb. 1st.) WRKG dues are payable to the WRKG treasurer.
Board Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of the even months 5:30 pm at Knit Wit Knits, Salem, OH
Officers: 2005-2006
President: Kim Hershfeldt
V President: Marlyn Ibele
Secretary: Jane Morawski
Treasurer: Kathy Grace
Committee Heads:
Caps for Kids: Eileen Dodson
Hospitality Kitchen and Greeter:Sherry Fender
Internet Reporting:M. Collins-Sibley
Librarian: Susan Burgeson
Newsletter Publishing & Newsletter Mailing: Cathi Long,Gail Bable
Nominating: TBA
Photos and Scrapbook: Gail Green , Lynne Janis
Publicity National: Kathy Grace
Publicity Local: Elizabeth Dailey
Raffle: Jane Middleton, Kay Thompson
Sunshine: Pam Bishop
Teddy Bears:Gail Bable
Yearbook: Jane Morawski
Programs for 2006
Jan: The Pi are Square Shawl, Gail Bable
Feb: Think Pink, Cancer Scarves, Jane Morawski
Mar: Edges for our Pi Shawl , Yarn Challenge
Apr: Another I-Cord, Marlyn Ibele
May: Tips and Tricks-Pam Bishop and Presentation of Slate of Officers
June: To be Announced, Election of Officers
July: New Officer Installation, 22nd Birthday
Aug: President's Choice
To view more information about out The Western Reserve Knitting Guild or to read our group's newsletter, please click
on the link below:
Click here for more information about The Knitting Guild of America.

Keep on dressing our bears, girls! |
Children's Services is thrilled to receive them. |

Bears: We need dressed bears for the children treated at the Child Advocacy Center in Youngstown. Big
or small bears, they will be loved by the youngsters. Please bring any completed bear to the meeting and get another. We have
several different sizes and styles of bears for you to choose from. Below are some free sweater patterns online.


Caps for Kids
Our current total as of the November meeting for Caps for Kids hats is over 260 hats !!!
Way to go girls!! This year the caps provided by members will be sent to Head Start in Mahoning County and 50 caps went
to Columbiana County Head Start. Let's continue the challege from last year, a cap a month from each of us. Patterns
will be provided off and on through out the year.
Click here for a roll brim hat, and a hat with a brim.
Click here for a cute cabled hat.
Many hat patterns can be found here.
A helmet type hat and a baby hat pattern can be found by clicking here.
Caps for Kids webpage can be found by clicking here.
For more Caps for Kids patterns, click here.

Spiral Brim hat |

Knit with Mexican Wave |